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Monday 17 August 2015

Chocolate Oreo Truffles!!

Here is my attempt at publishing the recipe for our amazing Chocolate Oreo Truffles. They are super easy to make and you and your friends will absolutely love them. They make great gifts for any occasion, you can even decorate them to look like christmas puddings and they look amazing!!

  • 2 packets of oreo (or similar) biscuits
  • I pack (200g) soft cheese- philadelphia is a good choice here
  • 2 bars good quality chocolate, you can choose which one to use milk, dark or white.
  • extra chocolate for drizzling the finished truffles. 

What to do:
Using a food processor, blend the biscuits until they look like crumbs. Tip the biscuit crumbs into a large bowl and add the soft cheese. Mix together using a wooden spoon until the mixture starts to stick together. Then using your (clean) hands squish the mixture together until it forms a squidgy dough. 

Lay out some greaseproof paper onto a baking sheet. Spoon some of the mixture into your hands and roll to form a ball. Try to keep all the dough balls a similar size, You are ideally looking for bite size truffles as opposed to golf balls! Put all the dough balls onto the greaseproof paper, then put the tray in the fridge for a couple of hours. If you are in a hurry you can out the mixture into the freezer. 

Melt your desired chocolate using a microwave until all melty and runny. Take out the truffles from the fridge or freezer. Pop a truffle into the melty chocolate and cover completely, I like to use 2 spoons and try to let the excess chocolate drip back into the bowl. Pop back onto the tray. Once the first coat of chocolate hardens, you can drizzle over a different colour chocolate for a great effect. If you are using the dried raspberries these will need to be sprinkled when the chocolate is still wet. 

Pop the truffles back into the fridge to set.

Eat and enjoy!!!!!

The finished truffles!
I used freeze dried raspberries to top the truffles, they work really well with both white and dark chocolate and look very posh as well!
The very decadent toppping!! Looked amazing!!
Truffle dough all balled up and ready to go in the fridge.
Using melted chocolate to cover the truffles.
My little man making his truffles!
Getting there with covering the truffles!

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