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Thursday 20 August 2015

My Little superstar!

My Little Superstar!!
A massive well done to my little man who got an A* in science for his first GCSE, he's just finished year 10 so next year he will sit his main GCSEs. We are very proud of him and his hard work this year! 

What's Cooking Today?

It's that time of the week when I am running low with food and I'm trying really hard to make do until Saturday when I do my weekly food shop. However hard I try to get my shopping list ready I still seem run out of stuff come Thursday, especially during the school holidays when our children are trying their hardest it seems, to eat us out of house and home!! 

I have been shopping at Aldi and this has had a massive impact on the weekly food bill, it is so much cheaper! Plus my kids don't like going there as there are no toys, games, clothes or CDs to look at. So leaving them at home with Dad again saves me money. I try to cook everything fresh and I very rarely buy processed foods. 

So today, what to cook when my cupboards are almost bare? I still have yet to cook my whole chicken so I'm going to base tonight's meals around that! I only have to cook for 4 as my eldest is out at his friends for dinner. 

I'm going to show you how to make Chinese style Chicken Fried Rice! A really simple family friendly recipe that is great for using leftover chicken, you can substitute the chicken for prawns, pork, beef or vegetables but my family likes the chicken version the best. The recipe below shows the ingredients for a serving for 2 people. 

What do I need?

  • 150g Basmati rice (N.b this is the dry weight value for the rice) cooked
  • 2 eggs
  • half a cup of frozen peas (I prefer petit pois)
  • 1 breast cooked chicken
  • vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce (optional)
  • sliced spring onion to serve

I precook the rice in my rice cooker, this is my saving grace of cooking as I always seem to mess up cooking rice! The rice then stays warm whilst I am preparing the other ingredients. I would highly recommend investing in a rice cooker, they dont have to be expensive but they are a brilliant kitchen gadget to own. 

This rice cooker is only £12.49 from Argos! Bargain!

What do I do?
Precook your rice using a rice cooker, or alternatively cook your rice according to the packet instructions. Do not allow your rice to completely cool or be at room temperature before frying it as this can cause all kinds of problems, see link:Can reheating rice cause food poisoning? 

While your rice is cooking, beat the eggs in a cup or bowl, add some of the vegetable oil to your wok. When the oil is hot add the eggs and stir quickly using a wooden spoon. You want the eggs to become like scrambled eggs, be careful not to overdo them. Tip the eggs into a bowl and set aside. 

Cook your peas according to the packet instructions, I cook mine in the microwave for easiness. Try to leave them a little al dente then set aside. 

Next, you need to add the cooked chicken to the wok, add more oil if you need to. Add your cooked rice and stir quickly, then tip in your cooked eggs and peas. Add your soy sauce if using. Stir through everything, making sure everything is piping hot! 

That's it! Serve onto warmed plates and enjoy! 

Easy Chicken Fried Rice

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