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Monday 17 August 2015

Today is going to be a good day

Every day is a good day to be alive, whether the sun's shining or not.


I woke up this morning feeling energised, today is going to be a good day. I am on my summer holidays and they are flying by far too quickly. I have spent my day helping my son earn some pocket money by making then selling chocolate oreo truffles to family and friends. There is something really grounding about baking at home, especially with your children and we had a great time together. My little man is trying really hard to save his money so he can buy himself a game capturing device, as used by youtubers. He has dreams of one day joining those on youtube by capturing his gaming. Everyone has to have a dream so why not! So far he has sold lemonade, baked and sold his favourite rock cakes and now truffles! I will post the recipe for the truffles as they are so easy to make and really good to eat too. I'm a great believer of 'If you want something then you got to pay for it yourself'', in fact my other 2 children are a little bit jealous that he has made more money than them. But the ideas have come from him and I am more than happy to join in and support his budding entrepreneurial skills! Look out Dragon's Den!

I love the fact my son is so determined and it's so brilliant spending time with him, as quirky as he is he never fails to make me smile. He's now half way to his goal which is brilliant! His next big idea is a car wash! Watch this space.

So how did my positive start help me today? It made me appreciate my family and friends and how lucky I am to have them. It also made me feel good about myself as I've been feeling a bit low this week. Money isn't the key to happiness it's what you do with your life that worth a million pounds. And frankly my family is priceless.

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